Based on the success of nymphs with copper wire bodies such as this fly, the Copper John, Ian's Brass Ass, and a few others, there is obviously something about copper wire on a fly hook that draws fish. Some people say it's the segmentation, others the color, but whatever it is it works and works well. This is one of the premier dropper patterns you can use. Don't set foot in the water without this fly.
5.00/5 Stars out of 8 Reviews
Mallory (bay area) | August 20th, 2023
Copper john always does well. Nice variation that's similar but not identical.
MF (PA) | April 3rd, 2023
Very simple but effective fly pattern. Great addition in your box.
Chad (CO) | February 28th, 2023
Can't go wrong with this one! great searcher pattern
Danny (Cincinnati) | April 2nd, 2021
It’s like a copper John on steroids.
Doug Norris (NC) | September 6th, 2020
These are beautiful and great quality although I haven't caught anything with them yet down here in NC.
Drew (Dayton) | September 2nd, 2020
Use these for nymphing the mad. Perfect nymph.
leo (CA) | March 25th, 2020
great blend of something like a copper john with a little hair.
Joseph Kitchen (CO) | February 1st, 2020
The brassie is a go to on the south platte in the winter. One of my favorite flies.