You can use this fly anytime during the season and have good chances of pulling fish up. Beetles are very common and fish are usually on the lookout for them. Fish them along the banks most often but also have a lot of fish eat them out in the middle. Beetles can fly so they can find themselves anywhere from bank to bank. Great summer time pattern.
5.00/5 Stars out of 20 Reviews
Mark (Cheektovegas, NY) | November 7th, 2024
Great for finicky trout that are sipping off beetles dropping from trees in mid summer. Hard to see, look for the crash at the surface. Recommend a pattern with high vis yarn so you can see more than 10 fee from you though...
James (MA) | January 15th, 2024
Nice pattern. Haven't caught any trout with it yet but have caught bass and panfish.
Jason (Utah) | December 31st, 2023
Bought this fly and it seems to be a good indicator fly.
Robert (Normal) | July 3rd, 2022
Good pattern for summer trout, panfish, and bass. Makes a good splat that gets the attention you need for a viscous strike.
David (Madison WI) | May 2nd, 2022
Stays high on the surface and is easily seen. This is a wonderful pattern to try just after a freshening.
MF (PA) | November 9th, 2021
Great pattern for the summer and autumn.
Justin (wi) | October 19th, 2021
A great fly ! Works well Late August/Early Sept in the Soda Butte/Lamar drainage in YNP .
Mason (PA) | September 4th, 2021
Good fly for brook trout and panfish as well. Puts in the work to make for a good day on the water!
w soren (US) | April 8th, 2021
Fun to fish and tied well catches lots of panfish and bass
j (WU) | February 23rd, 2021
fun to fish best before ran