The Chernobyl is a great general searching pattern that can be used to imitate Salmon Flies, Golden Stones, or hoppers depending on size and color. This foam hopper fly makes a great attractor. Slam the banks with this big foam hopper fly and watch fish inhale it.
5.00/5 Stars out of 10 Reviews
MVK (Cheektovegas, NY) | October 1st, 2023
Floats well, lots of colors. Prefer to the version with the white floof for my aging eyes.
Laszlo (Texas) | March 1st, 2023
This is a great hopper! floats like a cork and great for hopper dropper
Chuck (MN) | November 1st, 2022
Great quality and colors
MF (PA) | February 1st, 2022
Wonderful fly for a Hopper-Dropper set up.
Chad (CO) | August 16th, 2021
love this fly for dry dropper rigs! Thing always floats and will sometimes catch trout
Jake (Idaho) | August 4th, 2021
Floats well and works great on rainbows and browns.
Butch (Wv) | February 5th, 2021
Not just for trout work great on bluegill and bass
AP (PA) | February 5th, 2021
This is fly make for a great strike indicator even when it’s fished in the winter. The fly is very effective in the summer especially around August and September.
Austin (Missouri) | December 2nd, 2020
It catches fish
Trey (FL) | February 11th, 2020
Great quality, does super with hungry bass / panfish in the mornings. I'll have to report back with hopper/dropper success once spring hits.