The Copper John could very well be the most popular bead head nymph on the market today. Having an assortment of BHCJs in each color and size is a must. Drop them below a larger Stonefly nymph for great results. You should never hit the stream without an assortment of Copper Johns.
4.94/5 Stars out of 18 Reviews
Robert (Normal) | March 15th, 2023
You wouldn't think red would work but it is my favorite nymph.
Mallory (Sac-Town) | September 1st, 2022
one of the best nymphs I've used. always have some stocked.
Chris (ME) | January 1st, 2021
Classic nymph that sinks like a rock. Great trout food! A must have in your box.
justin mullikin (WI) | October 10th, 2020
One of the best patterns for driftless browns . Hard to go wrong with this one .
julian (Pennsylvania) | October 3rd, 2020
perfect size and great color!
Eric (Colorado) | September 24th, 2020
It works!
Brennen (Black Hills, SD) | September 5th, 2020
Classic, well made fly. Have a couple colors in your box. Only I wish they had a smaller sizes too. I use this a lot of I'm not seeing fish hit the surface this is one of my first go-tos.
Butch (Wv) | August 15th, 2020
Great pattern that works
David Preston (CA) | July 31st, 2020
Heading to Oregon and Northern Callifornia for Salmon and steelhead fishing. Looking forward to trying this product out on my new Orvis Spey Rod bought at Reelflyrod.com.
Trey (FL) | April 1st, 2020
Well tied and takes a beating! I use it with strike indicators in a variety of water, all great stuff!