A trout and salmon slayer. Big salmon, steelhead, and trout love eating eggs and leeches; why not fly fish both? Two proven flies rolled into one, the body of a wooly bugger leech with an egg pattern tied in to the head, a combination of two favorite fares of trout and salmon. Originally designed for fly fishing king salmon in Alaska.
5.00/5 Stars out of 10 Reviews
chad (CO) | August 5th, 2022
Classic fly. Used this to great success for salmon in Alaska
AP (PA) | September 14th, 2021
Great fly to have in your box. Especially for the winter and spring.
Chad (CO) | August 16th, 2021
Love this pattern for dirty water or anytime fish are keyed in on eggs
H (VA) | August 3rd, 2021
good pattern for trout
Chuck (MN) | July 1st, 2021
Perfect for trout, very good pattern in the driftless area
Jacob VanDeman (FL) | March 18th, 2021
Slayed the salmon on this with trailing egg fly attached to shank
justin mullikin (WI) | November 1st, 2020
Hard to beat a classic bugger pattern with an egg attached . Great for Lake Superior steelhead.
Rodger (Pennsylvania) | September 1st, 2020
This pattern is killer for Great Lakes steelhead. I especially like to fish it in "off color" water.
David Preston (CA) | July 31st, 2020
Heading to Oregon and Northern Callifornia for Salmon and Steelhead fishing. Looking forward to trying this product out on my new Orvis Spey Rod bought at Reelflyrod.com. Both look great!
Michael Agostinho (CO) | September 14th, 2019
I ordered the leech was the pink head (looks like an egg) and I'm sure it will draw the attention of some big browns this fall!