- Includes UV Clear Fly Finish Thick, Thin and Flow
- Build fly heads and bodies
- Instantly cures with sunlight or UV light
- Various needle tips included for precision tying
5.00/5 Stars out of 7 Reviews
Eric (Texas) | October 16th, 2022
Great way to glue your flies!
John (PA) | September 7th, 2022
A useful product, though it's only the knot sense that I have used so far. I carry it with me when on the water, sometimes you what a little extra knot 'hold' or just a smother knot, and I'm sure some day I will be glad I had the wader repair with me. ( Note, as of this review writing ReelFlyRod has the wrong Loon product description listed for this item, go to Loon's website for the correct description )
Doug (NC) | February 6th, 2022
I've used the knot sense several times, but thankfully haven't needed to use the wader repair. Both tubes and the flashlight are very small which is great since they don't take up much space. There is plenty in each tube however. The knot sense works great and I've completely submerged the flashlight several times and it keeps working. Good stuff!
Chris (Louisiana) | November 26th, 2021
While I've not used the Knot Sense, I can attest that the Wader Repair is a life saver (at least figuratively). There's nothing quite as unfortunate as feeling that cold trickle down your leg when you step into the river early on a spring morning. This stuff makes quick work of it and should be in everyone's stream side kit.
Jeff (PA) | July 17th, 2021
How did I go without it? Great stuff and easy to use. I used it on some line connections worked perfectly, next up will be some old waders, should put some life back in them, if it works just as well.
Chris Casto (GA) | April 16th, 2021
I love this stuff! The glue dries quickly and sets perfectly. It's very easy to control when applying because it's thick enough to hold shape, but liquid enough to spread with minimal coaxing. I take it with me every time I go to the water, and I keep it handy at the house too.
Alex (Massachusetts) | November 5th, 2019
I have used both components and they are really handy. Especially the wader repair stuff can be used to repair a lot of different things(waders, tents, jackets, boats). Love that!