An ultra-stiff nylon leader attached to a tough, bite resistant wire shock tippet that is ideal for bluefish, barracuda and similar toothy species - total length of 7.5 ft. There are two wire choices:
- A nylon coated single strand steel wire with snap link (silver)
- A supple nylon coated braided wire that you can knot (bronze)
Each option is available with 15 lb, 20 lb, 30 lb and 45 lb wire strength bite tippet. The 15 lb and 20 lb wire leaders are attached to a 20 lb class tapered leader, while the 30 lb and 45 lb wire bite tippet options are attached to a 30 lb class tapered leader.
5.00/5 Stars out of 9 Reviews
Andrew (Michigan) | September 15th, 2022
Fantastic leader for toothy fish. This held up very well targeting pike in Canada.
Robert (Normal, IL) | December 1st, 2021
I purchased the leader with the snap. Super handy for those of us just starting to fish for toothy critters.
Chad (CO) | October 13th, 2021
Used this leader when I fished a lake for pike. Landed a few small ones. no probs with leader
Max Oberbrunner (WI) | August 1st, 2021
Very strong and durable leaders, last a long time
Bob R (SW Virginia) | July 6th, 2021
Great leaders for toothy fish. I use them for pike, musky, cuda, or any other large predator fish with teeth. I really like the version with the snap - makes changing flies quick and easy and most predator fish don’t care that it’s there.
Brayden L (Cozumel) | June 28th, 2021
Used for some barracuda that were snapping up my bone flies. It did its job and I was able to keep reusing!
Max B (Northern MI) | December 27th, 2020
These work very well for pike and other toothy fish. Nice to not have to worry about adding separate tippet or other material. Like all these types of leaders, once you cut down to a certain point on the leader, they are great for adding tippet.
Jake (Duluth, MN) | October 13th, 2020
This leader works perfectly and makes it super easy to change out flies. I recommend highly. No problems.
Jim A (Pennsylvania) | July 22nd, 2019
Well designed. The wire tippet ties good knots with ease.
Easy to use.