As with any spinner, end of the life of the mayfly is the beginning of lunch for any trout. Casting into the end of pools or on delicate runs will yield results for this smaller, more delicate dry fly.
5.00/5 Stars out of 3 Reviews
Laszlo (TX) | October 1st, 2022
Great dry to have in your box!
RD (New Jersey) | April 22nd, 2021
As the weather gets warmer, the trout just love these flies. Sometimes hard to see, but you will see the big splash for sure. Good idea to buy a half dozen as you will have fun catching several trout with these flies.
Trey (Texas) | November 1st, 2020
Just got to fish these lil guys 2 weeks ago on the South Fork of the Boise on an evening hatch. They ride perfect just under the surface film where I was hoping they would.