New for 2020, the classic full framed Sage Trout Fly Reel. Drawing inspiration from the historic Sage 500 series reels, the Modern Classics collection introduces reels designed for the angler longing for a nod to the past. A romantic appeal to designs and colors that reflect a classic feel of old yet packed with performance features that will assure you’ll never lose that fish of a lifetime.
While honoring our heritage with a full-frame design, narrow profile, and classic styling, the backbone of the TROUT reel is the proven One Revolution, Sealed Carbon System (SCS) drag. The heart of the series is the 4/5/6 which will balance perfectly with the majority of all-around trout rods. The 2/3/4 is ideal for small trout rods and the larger 6/7/8 is a great option for bigger trout setups or light salmon/steelhead duty.
While honoring our heritage with a full-frame design, narrow profile, and classic styling, the backbone of the TROUT reel is the proven One Revolution, Sealed Carbon System (SCS) drag. The heart of the series is the 4/5/6 which will balance perfectly with the majority of all-around trout rods. The 2/3/4 is ideal for small trout rods and the larger 6/7/8 is a great option for bigger trout setups or light salmon/steelhead duty.
- Designed for 4,5,6wt Fly Rods
- SCS Drag
- Machined and anodized aluminum One Revolution Drag Knob with numbered and detented settings
- Large arbor for fast line pick-up
- Concave arbor for greater strength and capacity
- Machined aluminum full frame construction
- Minimal porting for classic look and heavier balance
- Machined and anodized aluminum hub and ergonomic handle
- Easy conversion from left- to right-hand retrieve
- Neoprene and embroidered ballistic nylon reel case
4.73/5 Stars out of 11 Reviews
Ryan (Pennsylvania) | January 6th, 2025
Originally bought this to balance a 5 wt Sage Trout LL, but have used on many other 5 wt's as well. Classic design, solid performance and while not really necessary, a drag that would stop a tank. Audible click which most people enjoy and more on the heavy side for slightly longer rods.
Younten Dorji (Thimphu, Bhutan) | March 13th, 2024
I really love this reel. It's so beautiful and well made though it is not made in USA. It is made in Korea. It's bit on the heavier side compared to other reels that I use on my 5 weight rod, but I went by the pro recommendation. I am used to it now. I have paired it up with my Sage Trout LL 5 weight 9 feet rod. It's a perfect combination. The paint of the reel is somewhat like power coated and superb. I only wish that the sound of the click when we reel back the line is not shy but bit louder.... like the one that the Orvis battenkill makes. When you are in the river, nothing is more sweet than the clicking sound of the reel backing the line.... over all I am very happy with the purchase. And yes I recommend this purchase to all.
A.L. (IL) | May 12th, 2023
The aesthetics of the reel are great. I understand why everyone loves this reel. However, the craftsmanship (in my opinion) leaves me to question if it is worth the price. I don't believe the faults I find would hinder landing a fish, but I have some issue with the imPerFeckshions. All in all, I like this reel. But I expected more from a company like Sage. Possibly I got the 1:100, but life isn't perfect. Fish on and protect the resource.
Phil Opatz (Minnesota) | February 28th, 2022
Love this reel. Have it in the 2/3/4 as well. I use that on a Centric 486 and balances well. I'm using the 4/5/6 on a 9.5 ft 6 weight T&T Zone, also balances well. The reels are a bit heavy for my Winston Pure 4 wt and Hardy Shadow 6 wt, but on the heavier rods they are perfect and the heft and solidity of them is welcome. They certainly feel a lot more durable than the lighter reels I use. Love the sound as well.
Nick (Pompano Beach) | December 12th, 2021
Like most reviews, this reel is gorgeous. I’ve had the reel for about 6 months now but has only been fished a handful of times (I live in Florida so I don’t get to trout fish much). Here’s my problem with this reel. Like most, I’m sure your reels have taken a dunk in the River at some point. And this reel did just that in the Farmington. When I checked the reel after being submerged for a few seconds, I noticed the drag was extremely muted on both line going out and line coming in. I didn’t really fret at this point because I have a few nautilus reels that have done that but spring back after stripping some line out or just letting it dry. This reel has gone mute. Since that’s been said, field stripping this reel is a pain. There’s some sort of punch pin that you need to remove to get to the internals. I tried with a pinch with no luck. Most likely this is going back to Sage to have them check it out and be repaired. I understand this is also my fault for dunking the reel but if your wading, eventually it’s going to happen.
Gene Tereba (UT) | November 20th, 2021
bought this about year ago. nice and classic look. gonna buy one for light duty. get one...price went up.
Gene T (UT) | February 1st, 2021
This is a GORGEOUS reel...Love the look, feel and sound....gonna buy a small guy next! get one....you wont regret....love Sage reels
Chandler (Ohio) | August 18th, 2020
Great reel for rainbows! Used a buddies and I really want to buy this now
Chris E (Stockton, NJ) | July 27th, 2020
Just got the 4/5/6 for my 5wt rod. Fantastic reel set up with a Rio Gold Line. Took it to Montana for floats on the Flathead River and it performed beautifully reeling in the cutthroat. High recommend this reel.
Andrew HIll (Auckland, New Zealand) | July 6th, 2020
In the best tradition of older fly reels. Has a great modern take with lightweight materials and a great drag system. Looks fantastic in bronze.