The new TFO Pro III 6wt 11'0" two-handed fly rod is an exceptional trout spey fly rod choice when chucking streamers for trout and smallmouth in larger rivers. The Pro III 6wt 11'0" TH fly rod is perfect for the beginner angler looking for their first "all-purpose" trout spey rod or an experienced angler looking for their next back-up. Pair this two-handed rod with a shooting head or sink tip and be prepared to battle some big river predators. Designed to provide new and intermediate anglers with the perfect tool to better feel the load of the rod. With a wider “sweet spot” this rod helps casters understand that when properly loaded, fly presentation is easier than ever before. Evolved from pervious models, the Pro III rod offers anglers of all skill levels the casting confidence they need for an incredible value. All two-handed rods feature a grain and gram windows for easy line pairing.
For over 20 years TFO has been crafting and perfecting rods in this category. The new Pro III has confirmed its lineage of success and the happiness of all anglers. With a unique style in a way to fit the changing modern angling scene, keeping the performance and efficiency true to its past was imperative. The Pro III rod series holds firmly too a comfortable moderate action taper that allows for both easy loading and casting while still being extremely accurate and powerful.
- 12 available rod models from 3-10wt
- Premium cork grip handles (half and full wells)
- EVA foam accents and anodized reel seats with both full and carbon fiber inserts
- SiC style stripping guides and double-foot, anodized snake guides