Saltwater fishing season is upon us at last. The fish are moving shallower by the day and if you blink, you’ll miss it! Everyday we help customers with getting nothing but the best gear for any scenario. There is no better time than now to treat yourself to that top of the line outfit and I am here to be your guide to pick the perfect one for you. Featuring cutting edge technology, sealed drag systems, lighter and more advanced lines, that are handcrafted in the USA. Here at ReelFlyRod we have hand selected our favorite “high end” outfits that the extreme anglers will drool over.

First, is the new Scott Sector. When picking our favorite saltwater rod there was no question on which one was the unanimous winner. The accolades alone make this rod stand out amongst the crowd. By winning the coveted “Best in Show” and “Best Saltwater Fly Rod” award at the IFTD show in Denver. It’s fair to say that the Sector reigns superior amongst saltwater fly rods. This rod delivers higher line speeds and tighter loops. Allowing you to pick up all your line in one back cast and placing your fly to your target more accurately than ever. The Sector is hand crafted with the very best components to have ever existed in a fly rod. We paired the Sector with the Ross Reels Evolution R Salt. With a 16-disc sealed drag system producing 30 pounds of drag pressure, this reel is the strongest disc drag on the market with the highest braking power for the hardest pulling fish. The choice of line was a no brainer going with the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Infinity Saltwater Line. Winning “Best New Saltwater Line” at IFTD in 2019. The most technical, versatile, accurate, and advanced saltwater line. The Amplitude Smooth Lines are, simply put as the highest performing smooth fly line available today at ReelFlyRod and Scientific Anglers.

Next, we have the G Loomis NRX+. With Maximum versatility, unmatched line sensitivity, and impressive power. The NRX+ was another obvious choice to be one of our favorite saltwater rods. Incredible line speed and line control. Whipping power and a fast action. This rod, for being more sensitive still packs a punch. The Mega Modulus+ Graphite enhances load efficiency that doesn’t take away from the over all distances of your casts. Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Saltwater Infinity Line again is the top performer when regards to the best of the best. It’s amazing feel and accuracy SA’s Amplitude Smooth Saltwater Infinity Line is the line of choice. This superhero esque rod needs a great sidekick to be most effective. The Hatch Finatic Gen 2 Reel is the prefect Robin. Reliable, strong, and tough it is truly the perfect companion to any great outfit. Fully USA craftsmanship, the Hatch Finatic Gen 2 features a completely sealed drag system with maximum braking pressure. If you’re dreaming of a reel that looks, feels, and performs, like a Ferrari then this is the reel for you!
The Winston Saltwater Air fly rod outfit is a must have in any saltwater anglers’ arsenal. The Saltwater Air rod is the lightest saltwater rod on the market. Allowing for unprecedented fast recovery, for any length of cast. The Saltwater Air series has the feel of a Mercedes along with perfect balance, incredible line speeds, and smooth presentation. With added Boron III technology applied into the butt section, the lifting power makes this rod very reliable to any saltwater fisherman. Paired with the Ross Reels Evolution R Salt ascends the outfit to another level. Matched with the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Saltwater Grand Slam Line it’s easily the highest performing smooth line in the world. The durability and power, with a unique taper, it will throw tighter loops farther with ease.

Lastly, The New Sage Maverick. The Maverick is the perfect tool for any angler stepping into the saltwater arena where speed is the utmost importance. Designed from the ground up with Konnetic Technology to be fine-tuned to the demanding needs of saltwater specific applications. When it comes to saltwater fishing, short fast accurate casts can be the difference between success and failure. Dropping a fly in front of a cruising tarpon 15 to 20ft off the bow needs to be quick and delicate. The quicker you lay the fly down, the better the results. The Sage Maverick is partnered perfectly with the Sage Spectrum Reel Series. Extremely durable, lightweight, and smooth. With a completely sealed powerful drag system, the Sage Spectrum is a tarpon stopper. This tough reel needs an even tougher line so that’s why we spool this outfit with Rio’s Flats Pro. The Flats Pro line is built on Rio’s DirectCore, a proprietary low-memory, low-stretch monofilament core that retains its stiffness in tropical heat yet lies straight on the water without curl or retraction. For any saltwater adventure this is the outfit for you.
Here at ReelFlyRod, all outfits are professionally rigged with the appropriate backing and tapered leader, ready to fish right out of the box! Every staff member here is deeply knowledgeable and stands by our world-renowned customer service making each interaction unique. Whether you’re out on the flats or gearing up for your next trip we are here for you. Give us a call or stop by the shop! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for exclusive content, reviews, giveaways and more! Happy fishing and tight lines!