If you’re around fly fishermen enough, you’ll hear all about “the tug.” We’re not sure if it’s simply the tug that keeps us coming back or not but there’s certainly something there and we know that something is pretty special! Perhaps it’s the memory of a grandparent taking you fishing when you were young or learning to tie your first fly. Maybe it’s slinging bugs and beating the bank for bass with your buds or watching trout eagerly sip spinners off the surface. Do you stay up late at night thinking about getting a muskie to eat on the “eight,” daydream all day of tailing reds, or think about skipping town to swing for chrome?

What we do know is that fly fishing as a sport is growing faster than we could ever imagine! More and more people are becoming interested in catching fish on the fly and that means more people are getting involved in fly tying, conservation, attending outdoors shows, planning travel trips, and joining fly fishing clubs. REELFLYROD fully acknowledges the importance of this community. Many of our staff are active members in local chapters of Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Fly Fishing clubs and often participate in stream cleanups, fly tying nights, and angler education programs. Without these social opportunities where would beginning anglers be able to wet their feet? Where would we exchange ideas and talk tech, share stories, and enjoy the camaraderie of others who share our passion?
Not everyone has access to clubs like the ones mentioned above or may even struggle to find a nearby fly shop. We at REELFLYROD recognize this and are striving to build a global community connecting us all to the passion that keeps us coming back for more. We are proud to announce our new Angler of the Month award. Every month our staff will hand select one customer who displays a great passion for fly fishing, promotes conservation of fisheries, gives back to his/her local community , and continues to support our fly shop REELFLYROD.
The Angler of the Month will receive a full feature that will include an interview which we will share and photos of the angler and experiences they would like to share. Along with this feature each angler will receive a custom fly assortment with a watertight fly box, a $75 gift certificate, a limited edition REELFLYROD Angler of the Month shirt, and of course tons of ReelSwag! Anglers awarded this honor will be announced that the end of each month so make sure to be on the lookout to see who we have selected.
Tight Lines!