The local waterways are hot with smallmouth. The water temperatures are up, increasing the metabolism of the smallies, leading to a great bit in the late afternoon/evening. With the recent rains, the water levels are coming back down to prime. Each waterway around town is going to be a little different on bite, but what we are finding is that in the sunnier days, stay deep with crayfish patterns, leeches, and streamers. When the sun goes down, poppers and surface baitfish patterns are a must. The Twin Creek, Little Miami, Upper Stillwater North of Englewood, and the Mad River are all in great shape with good visibility. Fish these rivers in the mid morning and the late afternoon. The Great Miami is still coming down with visibility, but the flows are good. Try chasing some larger fish along the aquatic vegetation.
A couple good patterns to work in the column are the Meat Whistle (white, olive, and black), Clousers in the same colors, Morrish Mouse, and deep crayfish in the 2-3inch range, and some white surface splashing baitfish imitations. We like the Wiggle Minnow, Murdich Minnow, and Dalberg Divers.
Stop in the fly shop Monday-Saturday, we are loaded with all sorts of flies and fly tying materials and ready to help your get hooked.

Good luck on the local waterways and Tight Lines!